Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Groups Cell (SEDG)
Members of the Cell:
1. Chairperson - Dr. N. Samuel Douminthang
2. Miss Ambica Hijam - Asst. Professor
3. Mrs. Chongtham Joyshree - Asst. Professor
4. Mr. Jangkhohao Touthang - Asst. Professor
5. Mr. Sonjahao Chongloi - Asst. Professor
6. Mrs. Phaldeitheng Kipgen - Asst. Professor
7. Mr. Yogesh Singh - Asst. Professor
Objectives of SEDGs Cell:
1. To protect all the constitutional rights of the SEDGs students.
2. To ensure that the HEIs are inclusive, safe, and secure for the SEDGs students.
3. To provide socio-emotional and academic support and mentoring for the students belonging to the SEDGs through proper counselling and monitoring programme.
4. To ensure proper implementation and monitoring of orientation and bridge courses designed by the HEIs to benefit SEDGs students.
5. To ensure implementation of all such programme designed and developed by HEIs to increase the participation of SEDGs students in academic activities.