Welcome all viewers. It’s been my cherish dream to transform the profit-driven system of education in Manipur into a goal-oriented educational system. I strongly believe that the first step toward transformation of educational system in any given society should begin with the teachers because it is they who are the nation builders. Having firmly believed in the significant role of teachers in shaping the nation’s destiny, I felt that teachers should be trained and well equipped with the latest techniques of teaching so that they may be able to dispense their duties fruitfully. Of course, there is no dearth of schools and colleges in Sadar Hills but commercialisation of these institutions have sacrilege sanctity of teaching profession as a noble job and demean the entire teaching community as a whole. Best Replica Watches One most important thing which motivates our Founder Members in establishing the T.C. College of Teachers’ Education is to overhaul the present flagging academic scenario in our state. It is an undeniable fact that university degrees/diplomas sans quality will not transform society till the time our educated youths are groomed in such a way that they are able to realise their inner qualities and face the hard realities of life independently. And, to change the future, we need to transform the present society. In other words, the prosperity of our future society depends on how we trained our students today. With this noble vision, the Tongkhohao-Chongnu College of Teachers’ Education was conceived in 2013. It is a professional college which basically aims at imparting state-of-the art training to in-service teacher-students as well as educated youths opting teaching profession as their career.
Despite having been confronted with many odds, the indomitable spirit of commitment and moral strength of the Founder Members bring us this far. Drawn from different walks of life, the collective wisdom and expertise of our Founder Members has helped us in achieving our vision of establishing a B.ED college in this remote region. Our team has also been galvanised by the unstinted support of the public since its inception. It is also our mission to create opportunities for many educated youths of Manipur by helping them kindle the spirit self-perfection which lies dormant within them through pragmatic method of teaching. In essence, true education is self-realisation by individuals and to make the students physically and spiritually fit to stand independently.
The wait is over now. All necessary formalities for recognition by National Council for Teachers’ Education (NCTE) have been completed and the Government of Manipur supportively has given us the ‘No Objection Certificate’ (NOC). Acknowledging our commitment toward education, the Manipur Central University, Canchipur has readily granted the ‘Letter of Intent’ (Affiliation) to start academic session from 2014-2015. But change of recognition norms by the NCTE has forced us to delay commencement of the academic session for one more year. And now, it will be a matter of time when our vision of education sees the light of day.